Baroque Lute Compositions
These books with my (copyrighted) original Baroque Lute compositions or arrangements can be freely downloaded. Hope you enjoy playing/performing my music. Several of my lute compostions have been performed by Alberto Crugnola, Rob MacKillop, Stathis Skandalidis, Thomas Langlois, Lieven Misschaert, Dmitry Cherevko, David Van Ooijen, Tobias Tietze, Stuart Walsh, Davide Donelli, Peter Sinnaeve, Carsten Timpe, Thomas Schall, Talítha-Cumi Witmer
All the downloadable books have a watermark. You can also buy these books on Amazon Worldwide

5 Beatles Songs For 13c Baroque Lute
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YT Performances by Alberto Crugnola

5 Compositions For Cello and Baroque Lute
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YT Performances by
A. Crugnola and E. Soresina

Delighted that one of my compositions’Am I Dreaming’ is featured on the CD ‘Am I Dreaming’ by Baroque Lute player Alberto Crugnola on the label Nova Antiqua Records (

New Compositions
For Baroque Lute Vol.1
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YT Performlances by Alberto Crugnola

New Compositions
For Baroque Lute
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YT Performances by Alberto Crugnola

7 Blue Preludes For Baroque Lute
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YT Performances by Alberto Crugnola

A Day, A Suite For Recorder and Baroque Lute
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Visitation, A Suite For Guitar and Baroque Lute
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You Tube performances by A. Crugnola and
Marcello Serafini
WHITE CHRISTMAS, an arrangement for 13c Baroque Lute
Enjoy the great performances of these compositions by Alberto Crugnola, Rob MacKillop and Peter Sinnaeve