
audio1  Cute Movements
audio1  Venice In Bloom
audio1  Why was that
audio1  Ah Chez

BRF1, Radio, Werner Barth, Forum : This new CD has a lot of structure and yet a wealth of surprising moments. A great mix of both.
EJAZZNEWS By Glenn Astarita : Finesse, discernible ingenuity and a highly entertaining form-factor are but a few of the attributes uttered throughout this units musicality
JAZZHOT N°640, 2007, Michel Bedin : On est ˆ des éloignements sidéraux du jazz. C’est beau quand même, nen déplaise aux gardiens du temple. -Michel Bedin
WWW.IMPROV.HU (Translation from Hungarian) :  The album recorded in a total of two afternoons in November 2005, commences with three individual Isbin compositions pleasantly filled with sentimentalism yet adventurously winding, followed immediately by the three-piece…
BRIDGE GUITAR REVIEWS, Henk te Veldhuis, 2007 : The musicians all interact perfect at that’s why this CD is a recommendation for any music enthusiast.
JAZZ COLOURS , N¡5, 2007, Enzo Boddi (Translation from Italian) :   The remarkable balance between classic-contemporary, jazz and folk matrixes finally finds a delicious, as much as unexpected epilogue in a piece by Nick Drake, ‘River Man’, to whom Isbin had especially devoted an album to in 2000. A value added is the short length of nearly all of the tracks that, especially in the two suites, participate in the composition of ‘unity mosaics’.
JAZZRYTMYT (Finland) 02/07) : Between simple and efficient themes the music grows, and becomes very free. Lastly we hear River Man by Nick Drake. Here the arrangement works flawlessly, creating a very integral and elegant entity. In short, I find this a very fine record.
CITIZENJAZZ : Une musique hérissée, vive et exigeante, fondée sur des questions/réponses incessants entre les instruments. L’alliage de la guitare classique aux crissements du violon crée une atmosphère à la fois inquiétante et raffinée, entre dissonance et mélodie. A noter, une relecture classique et apaisée du River Man de Nick Drake.
JAZZENZO, JAZZMOZAIEK : /Mischa Andriessen (Translation fom Dutch) : Charles Moffett once wrote a song entitled Avantgarde Got Soul Too. Venice Suite is living proof.
MAZZMUZIKAS #60 (Translation from Dutch) : As adventurous architectures they create very personal patterns and forms. The blue and orange tinges of the cover reflect perfectly the feelings which this music evokes. We think that improvisational chamberjazz is the best description for this music. (GTB)
ACOUSTIC MAGAZINE UK, April 2007 : Venice Suite is a beautiful, if rather poe-faced collection of instrumental jazz

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