Gilbert Isbin/Joe Fonda
ALL MUSIC GUIDE, USA, Glenn Astarita, July 2003 **** :
Here, rules are meant to be broken, as the artists’ carefree and sometimes humorous approach might be akin to the inventiveness of toddlers attempting to re-engineer their toys. rating: 4/5
ALL ABOUT JAZZ, USA, 2003 , Jerry D’Souza :
The artists constantly tweak the sonic palette, the shades of sound and metre making for an elevating experience. Free music and unabashed rhythm drive the blues away
If you like your musical stylings out there on the edge, check out this new offering from Gilbert Isbin and the great American bassist, Joe Fonda.
IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION,issue # 64 , USA, Dick Metcalf :
This gets a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for fans of string-based improvisation.
IMPROJAZZ, France, feb. 2004, Philippe Renaud :
Un grand disque.
Gli strumenti vengono percossi, accarezzati, a volte persino torturati, alla ricerca di situazioni originali che sappiano tenere ben desto un dialogo espressivo che riesce a trovare numerosi momenti convincenti
BLUESTIME by Roberto Menaba :
Una testimonianza interessante e particolare per un genere ed una espressione musicale che fa parte della nostra cultura del nuovo millennio.
JAZZOSPHERE (FR) Sabine Moig :
L’auditeur se sent comme happé par ces sonorités à partir desquelles les musiciens parviennent à inventer des ailleurs pleins de promesses. Un moment très précieux.”
JAZZ REVIEW, UK, USA, August 2003, Barry Witherden :
Fonda and Isbin’s meld initially abstract scrabblings into something strongly rhythmic and melodic and richly allusive