AALGA, Magazine of the Argentinian Lute Society N°2, September 2011 : This is a series of compositions by the Belgian lutenist, designed to introduce the interpretation of lutemusic in a contemporary language to beginnersComposed with a very accurate practical and aesthetic knowledge of the lute, the pieces exhibit a style that borders on jazz influences and neoclasicisim
resources which can be effectivly peformed on the 7 course Renaissance lute. The music is written into the Renaissance tradition as they are designed for 2 voices. The author explains in his preface technical details of great value and usefulness to the student, besides presenting the pieces carefully typed. The main difference with the historical repertoire (Renaissance) lies in the type of sound language, which collects contemporary jazz influences, and shows colors similar to those used in a more complex context by Frederic Hand in guitar music.
A very interesting opportunity for those players who want to participate in today’s music intended for the lute.
LE JOUEUR DE LUTH, Magazine of the French Lute Society December 2011, Pascale Boquet : Gilbert Isbin’s comopositions all have lovely names and all have in common a certain poetry, delicacy and modesty due to the simplicity of the two-part writing. Sobriety but research and richness, as the composer cleverly blends monody and polyphony. Some pieces are based on consonant chords, others are more dissonant, sometimes the rhyhm is predominant, but all utilse remarkably the resonances of the lute.
LAUTEN-INFO, Magazine of the German Lute Society N°1, 2011, Joachim Lüdtke: The technical demands of 25 Easy Pieces remain moderate, which makes this music very accessible and practical.
TABLATUUR, Magazine of the Dutch Lute Society N°101, April 2011: Easy doesn’t mean that the music isn’t harmonically or melodically not interesting. These pieces can also be excellent study material for the left hand.
GELUIT/LUTHINERIE, Magazine of the Belgian Lute Society, N°52 12/2010, Greet Schamp: In his foreword Isbin states that he aimed to deliver easy contemporary compositions containing technical difficulties that a lute student will encounter. He achieved perfectly in this goal. Each piece focusses on a different aspect of the lute technique and if it is excercised thoroughly it will give a good basis for the srudent to further discover the luterepertoire. This book can be very useful to develop the lutetechnique and it can also seve as an introduction to the 21ste century lute repertoire.
LGS, Magazine of the Japanese Lute Society, N°35, November 2010, David Van Ooijen : These are easy pieces, but in a different style than you might be used to, so expect to encounter different chord shapes, melodies and rhythms. It is music with clear melodies and jazzy, colorful chords.
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